The Confessional Killings

This is the first in my trilogy or perhaps hexidecimalogy if one and all prefer.

The world of Detective Inspector Seamus was borne one day with the opening scene. The idea just came to me from nowhere and developed from there. I wanted to write a different kind of crime novel and that’s what I have done.

You won’t find in Seamus Gallway the typical hard-bitten misogynistic style of detective, who drinks, does nothing but work on the case and can’t have a relationship. Instead I hope you will find in him a character who grows with each page and with each novel. He is a nice guy who just wants to do the right thing and solve the case. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly and sure he’s a temper on him, but he’s many other good qualities as the reader will discover.

I also wanted to include elements of all the types of fiction I really like, so in here you will find romance, a bit of spice, well perhaps more than a bit and more. You will find many characters, it’s not just about Seamus. They all have their lives some of which is there to be discovered and their stories also told. Is it also so black and white, the good hats and the bad hats? No there are infinite shades of grey, and perhaps a little bit of fifty shades two in this first novel.

Seamus’ boss also is not an idiot, he’s funny but he isn’t the typical boss in detective novels. The typical boss always has a downer on the hero, steers him wrong and refuses to see what is in front of their noses. That’s another trope and Brogan is nothing like that.

Sure, the characters are larger than life, but I hope they are also loveable and kind sometimes, and many other things. Just the same as in real life they have drama, they have ambitions, things that scare them, and all of the emotions we all feel. I love each one of them really in their own way, yes even the bad ones, though perhaps not as much. I hope, if you decide to give The Confessional Killings a try, you won’t be disappointed.